Welcome to The Lazy Life!


These days, even ordinary life is hectic and subject to letting things fall to the wayside. Lazy Gardens is the product of lots of frustration and many dearly departed houseplants. Like you, we oftentimes found that our cute indoor plants were the first victims of our busy schedules—a day without a bit of watering or attention and those dramatic little friends decided to wither away into death! (Relatable).

We want to bring the joy back to houseplants but make it easier by providing you with stress-free, human-proof plants. Our hand-picked cacti and succulents thrive on neglect, so it’s okay if you don’t have a green thumb! Forgot to water your plants? Forgot another time? A third? Okay, maybe pushing it a bit, but your Lazy Garden will be fine!

Our hand-picked cacti and succulents make the easiest, best gifts. Who doesn’t want a beautiful, living thing that brings joy but is totally fine with being ignored for long stretches of time? Treat yourself or a loved one, explore our bestsellers or exotic new additions, we’re confident we have that perfect plant to suit your tastes and needs. How do we know that? Because, ultimately, our plants and arrangements reflect who we all are—beautiful, unique, and resilient.

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